Take These Steps to Prevent Migraines

If you regularly experience migraine headaches, you’re not alone. According to the Migraine Research Foundation, migraines are the third most common health complaint in the world and one of the most debilitating. As many as 18% of American women experience migraines, almost twice the number of men and children.

Migraine headaches are complex and range in intensity, duration, and severity, but knowing your potential triggers can help prevent and lower your risk of developing a migraine. 

At Republic Pain and Spine, our pain management specialists offer treatment plans for migraines at three convenient locations in Georgetown, Lakeway, and Austin, Texas.

Steps you can take to prevent migraines

The exact cause of migraines and why some people are more likely to get them than others isn’t entirely understood, but doctors and pain management specialists have identified a series of potential triggers, which range from family history and health factors to diet and lifestyle.

Know your triggers

Several triggers can cause a migraine or increase its intensity. Take note of your diet, stress levels, sleep patterns, and any medication you’re taking before the onset of a migraine. Keep a journal, if possible, to help you identify and minimize your triggers. 

For example, for women, hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle or hormonal birth control can increase the risk of headaches and migraines. 

Here are some common migraine triggers for both men and women:

Some people are more prone to getting migraines, and age can also be a factor. Many people experience their first episode as teenagers, and they tend to peak during the 30s (but you can experience a migraine at any age).

The specific cause or onset of a migraine can be tough to predict even when you know your triggers, so the best way to prevent and lower your risk is to get enough sleep, manage your stress levels, eat a healthy diet, and discuss the potential side effects of your medication with our medical team.

Living with pain is not a normal part of life. For more information about prevention and treatment options for acute and chronic pain, contact us today to schedule an appointment at one of our three locations in Georgetown, Lakeway, or Austin, Texas.

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