PRP: A Game-Changer for Joint Pain

PRP: A Game-Changer for Joint Pain

If you’re one of the tens of millions of Americans living with joint pain, chances are that your overall health and quality of life have diminished as a result. Whether your joint pain is the result of common conditions like osteoarthritis, the normal wear-and-tear of the aging process, or an old sports or workplace injury or accident, we can help.

Our team of pain management doctors and specialists at Republic Spine and Pain offers a range of pain management and treatment services from three convenient locations in Austin, Georgetown, and Leander, Texas.

PRP: A game-changer for damaged and painful joints

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy consists of a concentrated injection of your blood platelets to help turbocharge healing in injured joints and soft tissue. The treatment has been in development for decades. It has become more well-known in recent years because professional athletes have added it to their treatment plans. 

Blood consists of four components: plasma, red and white blood cells, and platelets. Platelets are cell particles that help the blood clot after a cut or injury. They also play an essential role in tissue healing and new cell formation. 

PRP therapy works by separating the platelets from a patient’s blood and creating a condensed solution, which is then injected directly into the joint to promote faster healing.

Arthritis-related pain and stiffness are just one of the problems that can be treated with PRP injections. The treatment is also available for all joint pain, muscle and soft tissue injuries, and tendon tears and damage.

Types of joint pain and damage

Over time, arthritis or trauma can wear down the cartilage and soft tissue in the affected joint, causing pain, stiffness, and mobility issues. Cartilage and other soft tissue don’t regenerate on their own, so the goal of PRP therapy is to use the body’s own healing architecture and processes to provide relief in joints that have been damaged by arthritis and other injuries. 

Knee pain is one of the most common types of joint pain, but PRP can also be used to treat other common causes of joint pain throughout the body, including:

PRP therapy may also be used to manage inflammation in damaged joints. The treatments are minimally invasive and performed on an outpatient basis, so you don’t have to worry about a lengthy healing and recovery process. Depending on the severity of your symptoms and the extent of damage to your joints, our team may recommend a few PRP injections over time for the best results.

You’ll give a blood sample from which the platelets are isolated in a centrifuge. The solution of concentrated platelets is then applied to the joint through an injection.

PRP therapy is usually used in conjunction with other treatments like physical therapy and medication. It is typically recommended when more conservative treatments have failed or become less effective in treating your symptoms.

For more information about PRP and other joint pain management treatments available, contact us today to schedule an appointment at one of our three convenient locations in Austin, Leander, and Georgetown, Texas.

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